NCPA'S Goodman to Speak Before Local Rotary Club

WACO Native, Social Security Expert to Discuss Reform

DALLAS (Feb. 04, 2002) — John C. Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis and a Waco native, will return to his hometown today to speak about Social Security reform at noon before the Rotary Club of Waco.

Goodman, who has advised several members of Congress and the Bush Administration on Social Security reform issues, recently testified before the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security.

Who: John C. Goodman
President, National Center for Policy Analysis

What: Speech on Social Security Reform

When: Monday, February 04, 2002
Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Where: Rotary Club of Waco
1716 N. 42nd St.

Goodman founded the NCPA in 1983 and has served as President since the center's inception. He is widely recognized as an expert on Social Security, Medicare and Healthcare policy. Goodman is author of seven books, including Economics of Public Policy and Privatization, Social Security in the United Kingdom. He wrote the first published study on Social Security privatization; co-wrote an international study of Social Security systems in 130 countries, including case studies of privatization in Singapore, Great Britain and Chile; and has co-written several studies on the rate of return people earn on their "investment" in Social Security, discovering that Social Security discriminates against minorities and the young.

Goodman has lectured and advised business groups and government officials in other countries, including Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela, on Social Security privatization.