The thesis of this book is simple: If we want to solve the nation’s health care crisis, we must apply the same common-sense principles to medical care that we apply to other goods and services. Health care is often said to be a necessity. However, there are other necessities such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. If we paid for any of these items the way we pay for health care, we would face a similar crisis. If we paid only 5 cents on the dollar for food, clothing, or housing, for example, costs would explode in each of those markets.
The Patient Power Pamphlet: sp_pp_pamphlet.pdf (PDF | 6MB)
For the complete book: sp_pp_PatientPowerComplete.pdf (PDF | 10MB)
Book by section:
Part II – From Competition to Cost-Plus Health Care
Part III – Regulation the Cost-Plus System
Part IV – The Chain-Letter Economics of Medicare
Part V – National Health Insurance