Priceless: Solving the Healthcare Debate Beyond Party Politics and Into the Marketplace


Contact: Catherine Daniell at (972) 308-6479 or (817) 991-1041

Washington, DC –The Independent Institute is pleased to release the compelling new book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis by John C. Goodman, renowned “Father of Health Savings Accounts” and leading expert on free-market healthcare solutions, which demonstrates how market forces have been driven from the American healthcare system. Priceless is the first book to attack these misguided practices at the fundamental level and demand that patients and their providers, not policy-makers, be empowered with the freedom to chart their own healthcare map.

In Priceless, Goodman cuts through the party politics and proposes bold reforms that would liberate patients and caregivers from the traps of a third-party system. Rather than pursuing programs that encourage overconsumption and mandate citizens to participate, Pricelessshows:

  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—a.k.a. ObamaCare—is the result of a special-interest feeding frenzy.
  • Patient safety could be improved by allowing patients, doctors and hospitals to enter into voluntary, no-fault contracts.
  • True reform requires liberation — freeing doctors, patients, and the American workforce.
  • The widespread adoption of Health Savings Accounts would cut costs by 30 percent or more.

A summary for Priceless can be viewed here. For further information or to arrange an interview with John Goodman, please contact Caytie Daniell with the NCPA at (972) 308-6479 or

John C. Goodman is author and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and President of the National Center for Policy Analysis.

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