Rare Earths: Implications for National Defense, the Economy and the Environment

Briefing Invitation

Rare Earths:
Implications for National Defense, the Economy and the Environment

Sponsored by the

National Center for Policy Analysis


Friday, September 26, 2014
12:00-1:30 PM
B-369 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.
(A light lunch will be served)



Rare-earth metals and a broader group of “critical metals” are essential to the U.S. economy, particularly to defense, energy and high-tech sectors. Why are rare-earth metals so important and how can Congress encourage their production? What can Congress do to address China’s virtual monopoly on heavy rare earth processing? Are there viable options to handle thorium and other byproducts of heavy rare earth mining?


John Kutch
Thorium Energy Alliance

Kevin Cassidy
U.S. Rare Earths

Jim Kennedy
ThREE Consulting

Printus LeBlanc
Office of Rep. Steve Stockman(TX-36)


Brian Williams
National Center for Policy Analysis

For more information or to RSVP,
please contact Brian Williams.

Phone: (202) 830-0177 — E-Mail: brian.williams@ncpathinktank.org

If you are unable to attend, please forward to someone in your office who may be interested.