Silicon Valley Employers Go Wild With Lavish Employee Benefits

Source: Forbes

Say “employee benefits” and pensions and health care will jump to most people’s minds. Maybe life and disability insurance will pop up as well. But employers in Silicon Valley are going way beyond that. They’re providing housekeeping, cooking, babysitting and a host of other services as perks for their employees. According to The New York Times, here is what some California companies are doing:

  • At Evernote, a software company, 250 employees — every full-time worker, from receptionist to top executive — have their homes cleaned twice a month, free.
  • Stanford School of Medicine is piloting a project to provide doctors with housecleaning and in-home dinner delivery.
  • Genentech offers take-home dinners and helps employees find last-minute babysitters when a child is too sick to go to school.

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