Host intro: According to commentator Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis, one of the bright spots on the Internet, as long as you have a soft spot for satire, is called "The Reliable Snore of Washingtonians."
If you thought Washington was insulated and self-loving, you're right. It's on display daily in the Style section of the Washington Post. Mary Shomon parodies that self-absorption and shallowness with her mock style section.
Recently, there was "Madeline Albright's Fashion Policy," in which the breathless reporters, whom Shomon calls "the groveling Annies," run suggestions from fashion experts on what the new secretary of state should wear when negotiating with the Bosnians.
There's a running count on how often the real Style section writes about princess Diana, while another toteboard records how many stories appear about Hollywood celebrities in Washington.
From another poll, what's out in 1996: 101 Dalmatians. What's in in 1997: 101 more friends of Marion Barry added to the payroll.
There was "Reliable stud Search, who will be the next George Stephanopolous?" The choices included George Foreman, George Clooney, George Michael and Boy George.
Among future stories: "Capital Hillaries: The Truly Annoying Washington Women Behind The Great Men," and "Merlot-Lifes: Washington Women and Their Bad Taste in Wines."
Again, it's the reliable snore of Washingtonians, and it's your chance to laugh at Washington. Don't miss it.
Those are my ideas, and at the NCPA, we know ideas, with a dash of satire, can change the world. I'm Pete du Pont, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Host outro: Were you counting during the state of the union address? Pete du Pont was, and he has the totals tomorrow.