Source: Yahoo! Finance
Students from across the nation interested in learning from today’s top policy experts are encouraged to apply for the Four Star Debate program at Oklahoma Christian University (OC) in Oklahoma City from July 10-15. This year’s program will challenge students with the topic of whether the 50 states in America should adopt a system of school choice for private and public primary and secondary schools. Students interested in participating should apply online at
Four Star Debate: Developing Leaders with General Tommy Franks is a leadership development, debate and communications program for 48 of the finest high school students from across the nation. The program is hosted by the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and the Academy of Leadership & Liberty at OC.
Students will receive training from high-profile academic experts, NCPA professional policy analysts, debate coaches and university debate students. Leadership development and communications training is provided by OC’s nationally recognized faculty, staff and Academy contributors. The highlights of the week include learning invaluable lessons on leadership from Franks, the four-star general who commanded American and coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Michele Smith.
“Our goal is to ensure a brighter tomorrow by bringing the best and brightest students together to learn leadership skills and debate key issues,” Franks said. “This year, will be an excellent opportunity for students to learn and debate a critical issue in American education, a topic in which they have first-hand experience.”
The purpose of the program is to train students in strategic thinking, planning, communication and teamwork and to practice their skills through debate. Participants receive practical training in the art of persuasion, gain in-depth knowledge of the debate issue, gather valuable team experiences and develop relationships with other up-and-coming leaders. The top debaters will be awarded scholarships for furthering their education.
In addition to Gen. Franks, students have the opportunity to interact with leaders, including Dr. John C. Goodman, NCPA president, and Dr. Mike O’Neal, OC president, who will teach them about leading organizations while handling many competing interests.