– Increasing the number and variety of schools competing for students and teachers will save states money, help resolve many student behavioral issues and improve education quality for a huge number of children, according to a new study that focuses on Texas and was released today by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
“This program could actually save taxpayers in Texas alone $1.87 billion dollars over two years and reduce school district debt by roughly $10.8 billion over 10 years,” said co-author and NCPA Senior Fellow John Merrifield. “It gives parents a broader range of education options among private and public schools, hikes teacher pay through increased demand, and raises public school performance with the increased competition for students and specialization of schools.”
According to the study, voucher systems enhance the role of teachers, parents, and school administrators by facilitating specialized schooling options and customized instruction. School choice also improves ethnic and racial diversity.
“Everybody wins with this voucher system for parents – students, teachers, school districts and taxpayers,” added Merrifield, who also noted that the increased flexibility for parents to choose between private and public schools will significantly reduce system wide problems such as falling productivity, discipline concerns, and high drop-out rates.
Private School Choice: Options for Texas Children — http://www.ncpathinktank.org/pub/st345