Dallas, TX
NCPA Senior Fellow Dr. David Grantham and Texas Senator Bob Hall will outline the threats facing our state’s electrical grid at a Tarrant County Republican Assembly meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21st.
Media are invited to attend and cover.
Grantham will introduce a new NCPA report released today, Cyber Threats to the Texas Electric Grid, that he co-authored with NCPA Research Associate Luke Twombly.
Grantham and Hall will bring their expertise to the table to help attendees:
- Understand what an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) is and what it could do to our electrical system.
- Learn about natural and man-made EMPs and the likelihood of either occurring.
- Explain how Texas can protect itself from EMPs through cost-effective shielding technologies.
- Find out how you can influence your state legislators to implement available shielding technologies.
Texas Senator Bob Hall (TX-2) is an electrical engineer whose experience with the EMP issue goes back to the 1960s. He served as a Captain in the Air Force working on the Minuteman II Strategic Missile System and development of air and ground EMP detection. Dr. David Grantham is a NCPA Senior Fellow and a leading expert in national security matters, including terrorism and international security. He also served as an officer in the Air Force dealing in counterterrorism, cyber defense, and foreign espionage.
WHO: Texas Senator Bob Hall and NCPA Senior Fellow Dr. David Grantham
WHAT: The Texas Electric Grid – Vulnerable or Secure? Discussion at the Tarrant County Republican Assembly
WHEN: Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Rose Room, Fort Worth Botanic Garden
Full Report: http://www.ncpathinktank.org/pub/cyber-threats-to-the-texas-electric-grid