Health Insurance Across State Lines

The Hill: According to NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham’s commentary at The Hill, allowing health insurers to sell health coverage across state lines has no effect on insurance premiums – but remains popular as a Republican sound bite.

Why There’s No Car Care Crisis

Real Clear Policy: “Government mandated health insurance adds administrative costs and bureaucratic interference while still leaving gaps in coverage,” says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a Real Clear Policy commentary.

Medicaid’s Poverty Trap Illustrated

The Independent Institute: The U.S. health care system needs to create a universal, refundable tax credit instead of forcing people to be poor to receive benefits, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in an Independent Institute commentary.

What ACA ruling means for Covered California

Orange County Register: In light of the recent ACA ruling, NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham predicts that California will rid itself of “Covered California,” its problematic state exchange, and transfer its operations to in an Orange County Register commentary.

ObamaCare and Employer-based Benefits

American Thinker: The most certain legacy of the president’s healthcare reform is immense confusion about the numbers of uninsured, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in an American Thinker commentary.

Lament for Medicare's Sustainable Growth Rate

Real Clear Policy: The principle that Medicare’s physician payments should be based on the nation’s ability to pay, is one we have jettisoned at our fiscal peril, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a commentary at Real Clear Policy.

FCC Versus Your Health

iHealthBeat: Net neutrality threatens one of the most promising areas of innovation in health care – using mobile devices to maintain and improve people’s health, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a commentary at iHealthBeat.