Focus Point – Health Reform

I hope you'll pardon a bit of crowing today. The best health care bill in congress this session — and a bipartisan one at that — looks really smart…and it should, because it's pretty much ours.

Rx for Medicare

From members of Congress to candidates for president to activist groups buying advertising time on television, everyone is telling us that seniors need insurance coverage for prescription drugs.

"Should Everyone Have A Medical Savings Account?"

The National Center for Policy Analysis announced today that a new episode of the nationally syndicated program DebatesDebates, a series of programs, which are sponsored by the NCPA, will be made available to stations starting Wednesday, Feb. 9.

Focus Point – Cigarette Subsidies

I got a pained smile out of the recent story that the United States Government, having declared war on tobacco with one hand, is effectively promoting it with the other — by handing out subsidies to American Indian tribes so they can build smoke shops. The shops sell discounted cigarettes, making it easier, not harder, for people to smoke. It's as if, at the height of prohibition, the feds loaned trucks to rum runners and gave interest-free construction loans to speakeasies.

A Better Prescription for Medicare

To listen to some politicians speak one might get the impression that the only way seniors can get prescription drug coverage is for Washington to add a large new benefit onto Medicare. This is simply not so.

Government-free Rx

To listen to some politicians speak, one might get the impression that the only way seniors can get prescription drug coverage is for Washington to add a large new benefit to Medicare. This is simply not so.

Defined Contributions as an Option in Medicare

We have analyzed a distinct new health care delivery and financing system for the Medicare aged population (excluding institutional and Medicaid individuals). The new alternative, referred to as the Medicare Defined Contribution Alternative (MDCA), allows an individual the choice between Medicare as it currently exists and a defined contribution from Medicare that must be used to purchase a plan that includes at least catastrophic insurance.

Time for Patient Power

We can be sure of one thing, no matter who wins the presidency, no matter which party or parties control the House and the Senate: health care will be rationed. For that matter, it's being rationed now.