Global Warming: What Do We Really Know vs. What We Are Told

Few issues generate more debate or emotion from activists than global warming. This Earth Day, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) examines whether fears of human-induced climate change are based on sound science and what impact proposed solutions will have on the climate and the economy.

Symposium on Health Care

The NCPA is one of the sponsors of a major symposium on health care in Washington, DC. “Toward Affordable Health Care: Prescriptions for Today” will be held Monday, March 31, 2003 in Washington, DC.

What Should Congress Do About 401(k)s?

Under the old (defined-benefit) pension system, the investment returns were good, but workers were penalized for switching jobs. Under the new (defined-contribution) system, pensions are more portable, but the returns are too low to fund adequate retirement incomes.